Whitbreads Brewery
Whitbreads Brewery, began in 1742 by Samuel Whitbread. It became the largest brewery in the world by the 1780s. Today it is now a multinational hotel and restaurant company, selling its brewing operations to Interbrew in 2001.
The brewery’s former site on Chiswell Street, East London is now The Brewery. It is one of the UK’s leading unique event venues. https://www.thebrewery.co.uk/
Marquetry Mural

We handmade a fine art marquetry mural wall panel. The overall size of the marquetry piece is 8ft x 4ft showcasing a cooper at the Whitbreads Brewery at the Barbican.

This panel is a fine example of how to use the woods grain to its full advantage. On the barrel, the walnut veneer has been used in a way to create the effect of the barrel shape. With the shading it creates the 3D effect.

The above photographs show the cooper in the making. The marquetry pieces are temporarily together using veneer tape or masking tape. Once the panel is finished to our satisfaction, it then heads to the pressers.
We would love to know what happened to the marquetry mural wall panel of the cooper at the barbican for Whitbreads Brewery. Please Contact us with any information.
The Whitecross Street elevation of the Whitbread Brewery located to the north east of the Barbican development site https://historicengland.org.uk/images-books/photos/item/JLP01/08/068833